This time, unlike in the first round of attacks, central London's public-transport system was not shut down, though there was considerable disruption, with Underground lines suspended (some had still not re-opened since the first round of bombings) and ar
这一次和第一次遭到袭击时不同,伦敦中央公共交通系统并没有停止,只是中断了一段时间,城市部分区域被隔离,地铁线路暂停,有的地铁线路从第一次袭击以后就一直没有开放。 |
This time, we see the actual character codes used internally.
这次,我们看到内部真正的字符码。 |
This time, we will give you a benefit of a doubt, but, do point out that if you do this again, your account will be suspended.
这一次,我们仅仅是怀疑你。但是如果你下次再犯这种错误,你的帐户将被暂时取消! |
This time,the club also invited winners of “design the blue print of empoldering software compete” to communicate about software design.
这次,俱乐部还邀请本次软件开发方案设计比赛的获奖者来到交流会。大家还对于软件方案作了简短的交流。 |
This time,the club also invited winners of “the software blue print empoldering and designing competition” to intercommunicate about software designing.
这次,俱乐部还邀请本次软件开发方案设计比赛的获奖者来到交流会。大家还对于软件方案作了简短的交流。 |
This time,they really went too far!
这一次,他们的确很过份! |
This time-dependent elastic behavior is known as anelasticity.
这种与时间相关的弹性行为称为滞弹性。 |
This time-lag is difficult to explain, but there are three possible reasons.
这种时滞现象很难解释,但可能有三个原因。 |
This timetable will allow Rotarians to act upon what they've learned, helping you to achieve your goals before the end of the year.
这个时间表将使扶轮社员们能于年度结束前将所学派上用场,有助于你达成各项目标。 |
This tin-opener is awfully fiddly.
这把罐头刀很不好使. |
This tiny nematode (it is just a millimetre long) was the first organism to have its developmental pathway worked out cell by cell and the first multicellular one to have its genome sequenced completely.
这个小小的线虫(仅仅1毫米长)是第一个从其细胞间关系研究清楚进化趋向的生物体,也是第一个研究清楚其基因序列的多细胞生物体。 |