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Article 6.The foreign invested enterprises engaging in infrastructure projects such as energy and communications can pay 15% CIT rate after approval.

Article 6. The margin of dumping is the amount by which the export price of an imported product is less than its normal value. 第六条进口产品的出口价格低于其正常价值的幅度,为倾销幅度。
Article 6. The national unified accounting system is formulated by the financial department of the State Council in line with this Law. 第六条国家统一的会计制度,由国务院财政部门根据本法制定。
Article 6.1 should only become effective after party B obtains all the necessary governmental approvals, product liability insurance and obtains the HCPCS code for the agreed products in the United States. 2本条第一款生效的条件为乙方获得代理在美国销售的产品的一切政府批文、产品责任保险和健康普通程序编码系统(HCPCS)代码。
Article 6.Forbidden collecting fees, apportion and fine illegally from private enterprises. 第六条坚决制止各级、各部门向民营企业乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款。
Article 6.In the case of foreign works of applied art, the term of protection shall be twenty-five years commencing from the creation of the works. 第六条对外国实用艺术作品的保护期,为自该作品完成起二十五年。
Article 6.The foreign invested enterprises engaging in infrastructure projects such as energy and communications can pay 15% CIT rate after approval. 六、从事能源、交通基础设施项目的生产性外商投资企业,经批准可减按15%的税率徵收企业所得税。
Article 60 A one-person limited liability company shall, in the company registration, give a clear indication that it is solely-funded by one natural person or one juridical person, and the same shall be specified in the business license of the company. 第六十条一人有限责任公司应当在公司登记中注明自然人独资或者法人独资,并在公司营业执照中载明。
Article 60 A statement of changes in financial position is an accounting statement that reflects comprehensively the sources and application of working capital and its changes during an accounting period. 第六十条财务状况变动表是综合反映一定会计期间内营运资金来源和运用及其增减变动情况的报表。
Article 60 After the drawee pays the bill in full according to law, all persons liable for the bill of exchange are discharged from liabilities. 第六十条付款人依法足额付款后,全体汇票债务人的责任解除。
Article 60 Commercial banks should establish and improve their own auditing and checking system on deposits, loans, account settling and bad debts. 第六十条商业银行应当建立、健全本行对存款、贷款、结算、呆帐等各项情况的稽核、检查制度。
Article 60 Female workers during their menstrual periods shall not be arranged to engaged in work high above the ground, under low temperature, or in cold water or work with Grade III physical labour intensity as stipulated by the State. 第六十条不得安排女职工在经期从事高处、低温、冷水作业和国家规定的第三级体力劳动强度的劳动。

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