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Int f(double); //same as above; parameter name is omitted.

Insurgents also set off bombs at a busy intersection, security checkpoints. 反叛者们也在繁忙的十字路口和安全检查站引爆炸弹。
Insurgents carried out several mortar and car bomb attacks throughout the capital. 暴动者载着好几枚炸弹袭击了整个首都。
Insurgents lobbed mortars and fought gun battles with Iraqi forces, which are providing the bulk of the security at polling sites. 暴乱分子动用了迫击炮,并且和负责投票站安全的伊拉克部队发生枪战。
Insuring public or private property is a standard practice in most countries in the world. 承办公共财产或私人财产保险是世界上大部分国家的正常业务。
Insúa is impatiently awaiting the opportunity to play the derby against River on Sunday. 因苏亚正不耐烦地等待在周日对河床的阿根廷德比的比赛机会。
Int f(double); //same as above; parameter name is omitted. 底下这行代码声明同一个函数。它没有漏掉了参数名。
Int. : So you can just , adjust the direction your facing with out moving the ball . 那你就是说能在不去碰球的情况下调整你的朝向。
Intact cells in the grounds create a fine effervescence, which is derived from gases (especially carbon dioxide) passing through tiny pores in the cell walls. 咖啡粉末里的完整细胞则会产生细致的泡沫,那是由气体(特别是二氧化碳)通过细胞壁上的细孔所造成的。
Intake of Pycnogenol? decreases the amount of circulating inflammatory substances in the blood stream and has been shown to improve asthma symptoms and the lung function. 服用碧萝芷?能够减少血流内炎症物质的数量并且已表明可以改善气喘病症状和肺功能。
Intake of calcium, iron, and zinc also tends to be low. 但钙、铁和锌的摄入量往往很低。
Intangible a ets include goodwill, patents, trademarks, copyrights, and franchise. 无形资产包括商誉、专利权、商标、版权,以及专营权。

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