The Apostle has reached the end of his Epistle, and begins his last division with the words:”Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord.
当使徒要结束以弗所书的时候,他就用这句话作为最后的一段:“我还有末了的话,我的弟兄们,你们要在主里刚强起来。” |
The Apostle teaches clearly that unless we remain truly separate in Christ we will lose our salvation.
使徒清楚地教导我们,除非我们在基督中与属世的真正分开,否则我们就不会得到救赎。 |
The Apostle would have each Christian live in the full assurance: Christ is in me.
使徒的意思,是要每一个基督徒都能活在这样完全确实的信心中,就是“基督在我里面”。 |
The Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed both refer to Mary as the Virgin Mary.
使徒信经和尼西亚信经提及到玛丽亚是“童贞女玛丽亚”。 |
The Apostrophe Protection Society, established to defend the punctuation mark's place in the English language, is calling on them to mend their ways.
为捍卫标点符号在英文中的地位而设立的「撇号保护协会」,呼吁这些公司应改过自新。 |
The Apothecary[/COLOR] in Diagon Alley is where many witches and wizards buy their potion-making supplies.
很多男女巫师都在对角巷的药店[/COLOR]里买他们的魔药制作原料。 |
The Appeals Jury may not impose sanctions or penalties.
诉愿委员会不能强行制裁或者惩罚。 |
The Appeals Jury will appoint one of its members who will verbally notify the protester that the protest has been accepted, mark the original document with the word “ACCEPTED”, and have it signed by each of the members of the Appeals Jury, before depositi
诉愿委员会将指定他们的一名成员以口头通知抗议者抗议已经被接受,会在原始文件上注记“ACCEPTED”(接受)字样,然后每位诉愿委员在上面签名,在把抗议文件寄放给财务长之前,将退还保证金给抗议者,然后把抗议文件转交给秘书长。 |
The Appellant maintains that in accordance with the mentalities of highly autonomous expression of intentions and contract freedom called for in the Contract Law, as well as the mainstream law-enforcing mentalities in judicial practice at present, there e
上诉人认为,根据《合同法》倡导的当事人意思高度自治和契约自由的理念,以及目前司法实践中的主流执法观念,上诉人与被上诉人之间共存在三份合同,均应认定为有效合同。 |
The Appendix A describes the detailed check routines with instructions.
附录A详细描述了每日/每周/每月的日常工作规程。 |
The Appendix B contains the work sheet which should be filled in every time routine check is done.
附录A详细描述了每日/每周/每月的日常工作规程。 |