It seemed like the player whose weaknesses were being protected the most was turning on the very hand that put players around him to secure his cult status and put him in position to earn mega millions.
现在看来那个缺点曾经受到最多保护的人需要别人在他的周围来保护他的偶像地位,同时使他赚得成千上万美元。 |
It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.
在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。 |
It seemed quite simple in the rabbi's mind or practice about the notion of management.
无论是谈论还是实行,星云法师的所述的管理都非常的简单。 |
It seemed somehow different the pins and needles were not so severe, but seemed more centred on my head. The peace was over. I felt total and utter dismay.
似乎不知为啥不同,针或钉刺的感觉没有那么严重了,但好象更集中于我的头部,平静结束了,我感到很沮丧。 |
It seemed that Helen had always been waiting for someone to rescue her from the abyss of darkness and silence.
海伦似乎一直在等待某人把她从黑暗与寂静的深渊中解救出来。 |
It seemed that he wasn′t worried about the rain, or maybe I would say it was the drizzle that he had a really good time with the hopper.
他好像不怎么在意下雨,或者也许我该说是雨才让他跟青蛙玩得那么开心。 |
It seemed that his failure was predestined.
他的失败似乎是命中注定的. |
It seemed that his fury will flame out.
他似乎快要大发雷霆了。 |
It seemed that our ship was dogged by bad luck throughout the voyage.
看来我们的船在整个航程中始终遭受厄运。 |
It seemed that she had an excess of energy.
并且她的花销从来都不超过她的收入。 |
It seemed that she was not a bit worried, but in fact, she was not a little worried about it.
表面看来她似乎一点也不担心,事实上她非常担心。 |