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Treatment of Gallbladder Polypus with Zuyu Xiaozheng Decoction(逐瘀消症汤),a Report of 8 Cases

Treatment of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Through Anterior Cervical Decompression Approach with Sectile Trongh Technique,Autograft Fusion and Interal Fixation 颈前路开槽式减压植骨内固定治疗脊髓型颈椎病
Treatment of Desmoid Tumor. An Analysis of 0 Cases 韧带样纤维瘤的治疗(附0例分析)
Treatment of Epulis with CO_ Laser and LD Laser: Clinical Report of Cases CO_激光、LD激光联合治疗牙龈瘤例疗效观察
Treatment of Esophageal Varices with Balloon Attached Pneumatic Activation Akida Ligator. 秋田注气及附加气囊结扎器治疗食管静脉曲张
Treatment of Fracture on Lower / of Tibia & Fibula with Ender's Nail and Small Splint Immobilization Ender's针合小夹板固定治疗胫腓骨中下/ 骨折
Treatment of Gallbladder Polypus with Zuyu Xiaozheng Decoction(逐瘀消症汤),a Report of 8 Cases 逐瘀消症汤治疗胆囊息肉8例
Treatment of Intrahepatic Calculi and Its Complications with Hepatic Lobectomy (Report of 0 Cases) 肝叶切除术治疗肝内胆管结石及其并发症0例报告
Treatment of Oral Maxillo-Facial Hemangioma by Cryosurgery 液氮冷冻治疗口腔颌面部血管瘤
Treatment of Perthes disease with Salter pelvic osteotomy Salter骨盆截骨治疗Perthes病
Treatment of Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis 股骨头骨骺滑脱8例治疗体会
Treatment of allergic nasitis with neurectomy of pterygoid canal 翼管神经切断术治疗过敏性鼻炎的探讨

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