Over the desk,he ordered again, and she laid her upper body across the desk, her bottom protruding nicely off the edge.
“趴在书桌上。”他再一次命令。泰拉的上半身伏倒在书桌上,屁股刚好突起在桌子边缘上。 |
Over the horizontechnologies - These facilitate ground-based methods of harassment (eg The Alaskan HAARP project which bounces signals off the ionosphere).
“视距外”技术-这些促进了以地面为基础的折磨方法(例如阿拉斯加高频活跃极光研究计划,它反射信号到电离层)。 |
Over the past several decades, oil has been the world's foremost source of primary energy consumption, and it is expected to remain in that position,the agency said.
在过去几十年中石油是初级能源消耗的最重要来源,并将继续保持它的地位。 |
Over the table of the Presence they are to spread a blue cloth and put on it the plates, dishes and bowls, and the jars for drink offerings; the bread that is continually there is to remain on it.
7又用蓝色毯子铺在陈设饼的桌子上、将盘子、调羹、奠酒的爵和杯摆在上头.桌子上也必有常设的饼。 |
Over the years when people have been involved in a bid to become president at Madrid they've used clubs like ours.
“很多年以来,有些人被介入到它们竞选主席当中,就像这次发生在我们身上的事情一样。” |
Over the years, I have often reflected on what my mom said.
这么多年来,我一直都在思考着妈妈说过的那些话。 |
Over time, the unexplained portion of the pay gap grows,the group said in a news release.
研究人员在新闻发布会上称,“随着时间的推移,这个无法解释的部分收差距越来越大。” |
Overcome hardship together, keep fighting in spite of all setbacks is our spirit.
风雨同舟,百折不挠是华一的精神。 |
Overuse of recycled plastic and materials such as talcum powder and calcium carbonate can generate chemicals that can cause cancer if they come in contact with hot food and oil.The newspaper said.
报导指出,「过度使用回收塑胶及滑石粉和碳酸钙等材质,一旦让它们接触到热食和油,就会产生致癌化学物质」。 |
Owen Hargreaves will be staying with us for the remainder of the four years on his contract.
“哈格里夫斯和我们还有四年的合同,他将留在这里。” |
Owen is leaving. That was the player's wish. It's a good match and it's also a good deal financially,Beckenbauer told Germany's DSF sports television network.
“欧文马上要离开。这是球员的想法。球队在财政上也能得到满足,”贝肯鲍尔告诉德国的DSF体育电视网。 |