To obtain a passport, you have to send in your birth certificate with the form.
要取得护照,你得把出生证和表格一起呈上。 |
To obtain a record from an input file.
从某个输入文件中获得一个记录。 |
To obtain a true measure of the effect of racial discrimination in employment it is necessary to adjust the gross black/white income ratio for these productivity factors.
为了获得一个可*尺度,用以衡量就业中种族歧视造成的后果,有必要根据这些效率因素调整黑人和白人的收入比例。 |
To obtain and act upon the opinion(s) of the Judges.
获得和执行与副审们之意见。 |
To obtain better cosmetic effect, evisceration plus prosthesis fitting had long been recommended for the blind eyes which were disfigured by anterior staphyloma, and this management had gained more popularity with the improvement in prosthesis making.
摘要以往对于失明且有前葡萄膜肿突出之眼,为求外形上的美观,大多劝导病人施行眼球摘除术或眼球内容摘除术后,再配戴义眼。 |
To obtain driving licenses need to learn to drive, learning traffic rules, but also pass a test.
要得到驾驶执照需要学习开车,学习交通规则,还要经过考试。 |
To obtain highest yield possible for a soil under given climate condition, the study of more than one growth factors is needed.
为了获得某一给定气候条件下某一土壤可能达到的最高产量,需要同时研究不只一项生长因子。 |
To obtain hydraulic conductivity(HC) is the basis to forecast water-gushing and HC can not be determined by pumping test on a large scale for tunnels with superthick overburden.
围岩渗透性是涌水预测的基础,对于超深隧道,不能通过大规模抽水试验来获得渗透性参数。 |
To obtain its anticipated target, China must surpass Thailand first.
要想达到预期的目的,中国必须首先超越泰国。 |
To obtain maximum yields, balanced fertilization takes on the new meaning of balancing all nutrients, not just N, P and K; as well as using the best varieties at the best populations and optimum cultural practices.
为获得最高产量,平衡施肥也被赋予了新意,不仅仅是氮、磷、钾,还要包括所有养分,还要使用优良品种,最适密度和最佳栽培措施。 |
To obtain or receive money on loan with the promise or understanding that it will be repaid.
以允诺或理解贷款需要偿还而获得的钱款。 |