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Snow falls upon him, covering his head and shoulders.

Snow and ice sculpture in Harbin dates back to Manchu times, but the first organized show was held in 1963, and the annual festival itself only started in 1985. 哈尔滨的冰雪雕刻要追溯到满清时期,而第一次组织展览是在1963年,每年的冰雪节则是从1985年开始的。
Snow covered surfaces have a high albedo; the albedo of soils ranges from high to low; vegetation covered surfaces and oceans have a low albedo. 覆雪表面具有高的反射率;土壤的反射率由高到低变化较大;植被表面和海洋的反射率较低。
Snow covered the ground. 积雪覆盖了大地.
Snow covered the whole village. 大雪覆盖了整个村庄。
Snow covers high mountain peaks. 皑皑的白雪覆盖群山峰。
Snow falls upon him, covering his head and shoulders. 雪的降落,盖上了他的头和肩膀。
Snow fell from Washington D.C. to the president's hut in Crawford, Texas. 从华盛顿到得克萨斯州克劳福德总统的小屋都有降雪。
Snow fell from Washington DC to the president's hut in Crawford, Texas. 从华盛顿特区一直到德克萨斯州克劳福德的总统小屋都有降雪。
Snow in Egypt is an almost unknown phenomenon. 在埃及,下雪几乎是无人知晓的现象。
Snow is absent in his country. 他的国家不下雪。
Snow is absent in some countries. 雪在一些国家是不会出现的。

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