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You stole the money and have woven a plot to lay the sin at my door.

You still have a lot to learn. 学无止境。
You still have plenty of time left to make a comeback. 你还有很多时间可以扳回局势。
You still see his plays in English and in many other languages. 你仍然能看到他的英文版和许多其他语言版的剧本。
You still the hunger of those you cherish; their sons have plenty, and they store up wealth for their children. 你把你的财宝充满他们的肚腹;他们因有儿女就心满意足,将其馀的财物留给他们的婴孩。
You stink! 你好臭!
You stole the money and have woven a plot to lay the sin at my door. 你偷了钱,还编出一套谎言来嫁祸于我。
You stood there, eyes on me. 君站立一旁,美目探妾。
You stood there, with a tearful smile. 你站在那里,笑中含泪。
You stop and look both ways before driving through a red light. 穿越红灯前,停下来并且东张西望。
You stop caring about tones in your Mandarin. 不再担心说北京话的腔调。
You stormed into an embassy; you violated the only absolutely inviolate rule of international relationships. And why? So you could kill a nobody. 你冲进一个大使馆,你违反了唯一绝对不能违反的国际关系准则,为什么?就为了杀一个小人物?

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