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Fulfill the obligations established in Labor Health and Safety Rules.

Fukui, Naoki (1995) The Principles-and-Parameters approach: A comparative syntax of English and Japanese. In Shibatani &Bynon (eds.), Approaches to Language Typology. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 中文本《某些主要与词序有关的语法普遍现象》,陆丙甫、陆致极译,《国外语言学》1984年第2期.
Fukuyama, perhaps more than anyone else, has been associated with the idea that capitalism and democracy are inextricably linked. 福山可能比任何其它人更主张,资本主义和民主互相纠结,密不可分。
Fulfil other functions required of supervisory organs as stipulated by laws and administrative rules. (五)法律、行政法规规定由监察机关履行的其他职责。
Fulfiling duty, as it's our potinent destiny, it should always awake me the excepting eyes behind me fulling of faith like seeing God, that could make us clear for the similar parts between handle a company and act as a person, honest to forever, responsa 履行责任是我们永恒的使命,责任,使我们时刻不会忘记身后无数双信任的眼睛,让我们明白做企业如同做人,讲诚信,方久远;责任,使我们以人为本,理性处事,立足现实,追求完美;责任,让我们言必行、行必果、胜不骄、败不馁。
Fulfill profit quota --- Control cost and maintain service quality. 完成盈利率指标—控制成本,保持服务水平。
Fulfill the obligations established in Labor Health and Safety Rules. 履行劳工健康安全条例中规定的职责。
Fulfill the purpose of multifunction workstation and ever-changing office layout and make the office more complete one. 可满足现今多用途设计及不断改进的办公室需要。
Fulfilling sex gives him confidence. 做爱能带给他信心。
Fulfillment of the aforementioned goals will yield substantial progress in expanding China's comprehensive national strength and improving the living standards of thepeople. 实现了上述目标,中国的综合国力和人民生活水平都将再上一个大台阶。
Fulfilment seldom corresponds to anticipation. 成果难得与预期相符.
Fulham boss Chris Coleman has made a new defender one of his top priorities and sees Dellas as an attractive proposition, as he is available on a free transfer. 富勒姆教练认为引进德拉斯是个不错的建议,而且引进德拉斯是免费的。

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