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There have always been poor and working classes; and the working class have mostly been poor.

There have also been concerns in the last year that dementia patients could be denied drugs to slow down their progression, because of a move by NHS rationing watchdogs. 此外,同样有人关注到去年,由于全民医疗服务体系(NHS)定量供应监护人举措,痴呆病人被拒绝给与延缓他们病程的药物。
There have also been problems with detection because of the limitations on angle and field of view. 因为在角度和视野上的限制,也有探测的问题。
There have also been recent breakthroughs that are expected to reduce the costs for desalination, primarily by cutting back how much energy is required. 最近的突破是,希望降低去盐的花费,便开始回溯到需要多少能量。
There have also been reports of smaller extermination schemes in other parts of the country, notably in Sichuan Province. 也有报道说四川也有少规模的的集中灭犬计划。
There have also been two less catastrophic pandemics. 还有两次比那一次稍微好一点的大流行。
There have always been poor and working classes; and the working class have mostly been poor. 穷人和劳动阶级一向就有;并且劳动阶级通常都是贫穷的。
There have always been two viewpoints, conservatives versus liberals , about whether to legislate that English be the sentence was halved. 对英语是否有必要立为美国的官方语言一直分为两派,即保守派对自由派。
There have any seat to booking? 车上有预订座位吗?
There have been a few alterations to the timetable . 时间表上有一些变动。
There have been a few alterations to the timetable. 时间表上有一些变动。
There have been a lot of discussions about the imperialistic language of Conrad since the release of Heart of Darkness. 摘要康拉德的殖民主义话语问题,从《黑暗的心脏》问世伊始就引起了很大的争议。

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