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Some American customs and ways of thinking can be an eye opener to many Chinese people.

Some Advice Being a good developer in BCB requires that you remember you are a developer rather than a programmer - which is to say that you have responsibility for much more than the excellence of developed code. 一些需要BCB里的好开发者你记得的劝告你是开发者而不是说你有非常的对比发达的代码的优秀更多所负的责任的程序编制员。
Some African-American leaders viewed equal opportunity as the most important civil right issue. (一些非洲裔领袖认为平等机会是人权最重要的问题。)
Some Africans are suffering from famine, pestilence and other evils. 有些非洲人正在承受着饥荒、疫病及其他不幸。
Some Albanians would like that, but only if they get Albanian-inhabited parts of south Serbia in exchange. 一些阿尔巴尼亚人也想要如此,但前提是拿塞尔维亚南部阿尔巴尼亚人居住区作为交换。
Some American commentators are already saying the landmark is a chance to note the US is perhaps the only country in the developed world where the economy is being bolstered by a population that is growing at a discernable rate. 一些美国评论员已经宣称,突破3亿或许标志着美国是唯一的、经济正被“可认识的人口增长率拉动”的发达国家。
Some American customs and ways of thinking can be an eye opener to many Chinese people. (美国一些的风俗习惯和想法,让许多老中感到惊奇。)
Some American statesmen hope to exert pressure on China so as to hold sway on the latter. 美国有些政治家希望对中国施加压力,以影响中国。
Some American students get help with their schoolwork from online companies whose teachers may be in another country. 一些美国学生通过在线公司的帮助完成作业,而这些公司的老师有可能身处别国。
Some American words have no British equivalent. 美国英语的一些用法在英国英语中没有对等的词。
Some Americans are resentful, so they must find an opportunity to vent their anger. 一些美国人心中不满,就要找个机会来发泄咯。
Some Americans believe the more equality the better, but the fact is that the distribution of income and wealth isn't arbitrary. 有些美国民众认为社会越平等越好,但实际情况却是收入与财富的分配并不是随心所欲的。

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