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Desert and spring of love became the master melody in Mauriac's creation.

Befudding as disclosure of " veiling of Being " in souce is a forgotten state of "Being" . 迷误乃存在自身之遮蔽的本源性发生,即发生为存在自身之遗忘状态。
Variola signwas considered by the au-thors to be a basie and decisive diagnostic X - ray sign. 作者认为“痘疮征”是本病的基本的具有决定性诊断意义的X线征象。
Pattern Confirmed by Global Grape Coasts Penglai praises highly Grape Wine China by force of wine culture 全球葡萄海岸确定“+”格局 蓬莱借酒庄文化再造“葡萄酒中国”
Appreciation education:Acclaim for you! “赏识教育”:为你喝彩!
Color Pageis a good method in order to display cartoon and dispel twinkle on the frame. 利用“彩色页面法”显示动画,消除了画面上的闪烁现象,视觉效果良好。
Desert and spring of love became the master melody in Mauriac's creation. “爱的荒漠与甘泉”成为莫里亚克创作中的主旋律。
Drunken Driving Insuranceshould be compulsory run by insurance companies for non-profit purpose. 应当将“酒后驾车责任保险”纳入强制责任保险的保障范围,由保险公司经营,但不以营利为目的。
Envelop method Applied on Ba(ZrTi)O_ Thin Films “包络法”在Ba(ZrTi)O_ 铁电薄膜中的应用
Founding Fathers of the Analog Industry:John F.Gifford 模拟技术“奠基之父”:John F.Gifford
Gliomawas described first by Virchow, and there has been a revival of scientific and clinical interest in it . “胶质瘤”这一名称由Virchow首次提出后,对其临床和基础的研究就在不断的进行当中。
Ishmael of Sinology: A Study on Herbert Allen Giles (8—9 ) 西方汉学界的“公敌”——英国汉学家翟理斯(8—9 )研究

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