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He promised to be here at four o'clock but didn't appear until six.

He promised not to do wrong again. 他答应再也不做这种错事了。
He promised not to run a Liberal candidate against her in the Nova Scotia constituency where she would otherwise stand only an outside chance of winning the Greens their first seat. 他承诺不会在斯高沙选区派出自由党候选人同绿党竞争,如若不然绿党想在这个选区获取席位零突破恐怕都希望渺茫。
He promised that no harm would befall her; What has become of my children? 他允诺说没有伤害会降临在她身上;我的孩子遭遇了。
He promised that rates would drop by 24%. 他曾承诺这一金额会降低24%。
He promised that, if the Taliban were toppled, the international community would work to ensure that the next regime was broad-based, as well as giving aid to help refugees survive the winter. 他保证国际社会不但提供援助以帮助阿富汗难民过冬,而且一旦塔利班政权被推翻,将努力工作确保下一个政权构建在广泛的民众基础之上。
He promised to be here at four o'clock but didn't appear until six. 他答应四点钟来,可是六点钟才到.
He promised to do the work to the best of his ability. 他许诺说他会尽最大努力做这个工作。
He promised to drink no more. 他答应不再饮酒了。
He promised to give a building for a hospital and as much land as should be necessary therefor. 他答应捐出一所房屋作为医院以及为此需要的空地。
He promised to give the plan full consideration. 他答应充分考虑那项计画。
He promised to help her. 他答应过要帮助她。

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