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Finally, insiders tend to practice insiders buying for companies having good previous operating performance, large sizes, relative low stock prices, and negative abnormal stock returns in previous one year.

Finally, in late 2001, Jericho forced all his doubters to, as he would say, shut the hell up.He won the big one,defeating The Rock at October's No Mercy Pay-Per-View to capture the WCW Championship. 终于,在2001年底,杰利可让那些针对他的批评者通通『闭上狗嘴』───正是他在场上常向对手说的那句话!
Finally, in my fifth or sixth year, I fell in love with all my classes and completed what can be called the strictest and most complete curriculum on the Teachings in the world. 终在大约五、六年级时,才开窍地爱上所有的课程——即《因明/量论》、《现观庄严论》、《入中论善显密意疏》、《戒学》、《俱舍论》等经论的研习;终于完成此可谓世上最完备及最严谨的僧学教育。
Finally, in the modern era there was never just one imperialist nation but always several and thus imperialism always involved inter-imperialist competition and potential conflict. 第三个是,在现代历史阶段,从来就不止存在一个帝国主义国家,而总是存在多个帝国主义国家,因此,帝国主义总是意味着帝国主义内部竞争和潜在的冲突。
Finally, in view of the requirements of passive leak detection of Chinese space craft, the correlative steps are recommended. 最后,针对我国航天器的被动检漏需求,推荐了航天器被动检漏的相关措施。
Finally, insert the profile into the drawing. 最后,于图面上点选插入位置。
Finally, insiders tend to practice insiders buying for companies having good previous operating performance, large sizes, relative low stock prices, and negative abnormal stock returns in previous one year. 当大规模公司面临过去的经营绩效不佳及成长机会低的情况下,若市场景气呈现多头趋势时,则内部人买进交易复公司的经营绩效会转好。
Finally, intrinsic motivation was found positively correlated to all other coaches' leaderships but autocratic behavior. 最后,内在动机在知觉专制行为呈负相关,而与其他领导行为呈正相关。
Finally, intrusion detection systems (IDS) are purely reactive, dealing with an attack after it has occurred. 同样,入侵检测系统也是一个纯粹的受激反应系统,在入侵发生后才会有所动作。
Finally, is there anything you want to say to your Taiwanese fans? 最后,想跟台湾的乐迷说些话吗?
Finally, issues for further research are put forward. 本文最后提出建议供后续研究参考。
Finally, it all came to a halt, with only Leehom's laboured breathing punctuating the silence. 最后,一切静止,只剩力宏吃力的呼吸,打破寂静。

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