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The thing is not to interrupt him while he's talking.

The thing he bought yesterday was a trumpery. 他昨天买的只是一件没有什么价值的东西。
The thing immediately noticeable about him was the closeness with which his blue eyes were set. 他最引人注目之处就是他的一双蓝眼睛长得很近。
The thing is - you will need many other pages to get your site ranked within the search engines, build trust with your visitors and establish yourself as a professional within your niche. 主体是:你需要其它很多的页面来提高你在搜索引擎中的排名;与你的访问者建立相互信任的关系,并努力把自己塑造成某个特定领域中的权威。
The thing is being on investigation. 事情正在调查中。
The thing is it's not always true. 但是有时侯也不是那么准的.
The thing is not to interrupt him while he's talking. 要紧的是他说话的时候不要打断他的话
The thing is to get ahead. 问题是要取得进展。
The thing is under investigation. 事情正在调查中。
The thing is what these -- all four women are beautiful, but why did they look like they bought things on sale at a garage? 问题是,这四个女人都是漂亮的,可为什么他们看上去向是在同一个地方买东西的呢?
The thing is, at least I can't get another injury now――David Beckham looks on the bright side after a broken metatarsal bone leaves him fighting to be fit for the FIFA World Cup. 事情是这样:至少我现在不会再受伤了--因跖骨折断而不得不努力恢复以赶上世界杯的大卫-贝克汉姆如此看待伤病的光明一面。
The thing is, how long will she be able to go without a lay? 关键在于,她不跟男人睡能熬多久?

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