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A person can become just as intoxicated drinking beer of wine as when drinking distilled spirits.

A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve; an arbitrator. 仲裁人当调解人无法解决时被指定解决争议的人;仲裁人
A person associated with but not officially residing in an institution, especially a nonresident physician on a hospital staff. 不住院的医生与一机构联合但不正式住在其中的人,尤指医院职员中不住院的内科医生
A person awarded an honorary degree by a college or university. 荣誉博士由学校或大学颁发给名誉学位的人
A person belonging to the middle class. 中产阶级属于中产阶级的一员
A person can be a candidate in any constituency, even if he has no connection with the place. 每个人都可以成为任何选区的选民,即使他和这个区域无半点联系。
A person can become just as intoxicated drinking beer of wine as when drinking distilled spirits. 一个人如果饮用啤酒或葡萄酒同样可以像饮用蒸馏酒一样醉酒。
A person can die of alcohol poisoning. 一个人能死于酒精中毒。
A person can shorten his or her owen life by using the note. 自己可以在死亡笔记上写自己的名字已缩短本人的寿命。
A person can shorten his or her own life by using the note. 自己可以根据死亡笔记来缩短自己的寿命。
A person can withstand lonely and misses homeland. 一个人会承受孤独和想家。
A person cannot be a director if he/she is, among other things, under 18 years of age and an undischarged bankrupt. 18岁以下的自然人以及未偿清债务的破产者均不能担任董事(除些之外,还有其它的资格条件)。

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