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After a few warm-up tosses, he put the shot 63 feet 6 inches.

After a few seconds of frantic gulping, he threw himself face forward onto the carpet (Aunt Petunia whimpered) and beat the floor with his hands and feet, giving himself over to a violent, but entirely silent, tantrum. 他大口喘息了几秒钟后,脸朝下扑到在地毯上(佩妮姨妈心痛得抽泣了起来),用手和脚使劲儿敲着地板,气势汹汹却毫无声息地大发脾气。
After a few seconds of silence, a woman said quietly, I dialed my daughter's dormitory room, and I hope I have the wrong number. 沉默了几秒钟之后,电话那边传来了一个女士的声音。她轻声说:“我拨的是我女儿宿舍的电话,但愿我拨错了。”
After a few seconds to unscramble my thoughts, I replied... 我稍微整理了一下思路, 然後回答说....
After a few seconds, the gondola (ball) is launched upwards. 数秒后,吊舱(球体座椅)便向上弹射出去。
After a few tries they decided to give up. 试了几次后,他们决定放弃。
After a few warm-up tosses, he put the shot 63 feet 6 inches. 几次试掷之后,他把铅球投出六十三英尺六英寸远。
After a few weeks, he approached me and said Frank, you're a man of the world, how do you attract the attention of a girl you like? 我回答说:『看著,葛兰,到厨房去。找几个看起来还可以的马铃薯塞到你的内裤里。』
After a few years in the city I got my dream job – writing about weddings for a magazine called 7 Days. 城里呆了几年之后,我找到了梦寐以求的工作—为一个叫做7天的杂志撰写关于婚典的文章。
After a few years in the wilderness he is reappointed to the Cabinet. 他消沉了几年之後,又获任命进入了内阁。
After a few years in the wilderness he was reappointed to the Cabinet. 他消沉了几年之後, 又获任命进入了内阁.
After a few years of active reconstruction , many famous cities rose from the ashes of war. 几年的积极重建后,许多著名城市在战争废墟上重新矗立起来。

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