D: You are now at the end of your third month of pregnancy, so this malaise will soon be over.
您现在怀孕将近三个月了,这毛病很快就会过去的。 |
D: You may have an acute pyelonephirtis. I want a routing urine and a mid-stream clear catch urinalysis. I'll also send a urine specimen for culture and sensitivity.
你得的也许是急性肾盂肾炎。要做个尿常规检查。同时要做清洁中段尿分析。再送个尿标本做培养和敏感试验。 |
D: You mean you bring them potato chips as a gift?
你是说送马铃薯片做礼品? |
D: You should rest in bed and drink plenty of water. You need injections and also some tablets.
您应卧床休息并且大量喝水,应接受一些注射和口服药物。 |
D: You're clever, and a little bohemian.
(你很聪明,也有点玩世不恭。) |
D: You've got a Allergic Rhinitis.
你是过敏性鼻炎。 |
D: Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the price you're asking.
贵公司的产品很出色;但对于你们开的价码,我觉得有点困难。 |
D: Your throat is bright red and is markedly swollen. The lymphogranules of your posterior pharyngeal wall show a slight increase in number and size.
您的嗓子鲜红而且明显肿胀。在咽后壁上的淋巴颗粒稍有增大和增多。 |
D: write down some simple and imperative sentences from the text.
但是宽容有可能对你的身心健康带来令人惊讶的帮助. |
D: “A reflective surface suitable for decoration.
反光的表面适合做装饰。 |
D:If a tree kills alone in the forest, does it make a sound?
“如果一棵树在森林中杀了个人,那会弄出声音嘛?” |