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After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up.

After working at Mission Hills DLGA for more than 2 years, Gareth has recently taken on the role as the Director of the Shanghai Silport David Leadbetter Golf Academy in Shanghai, China. 现在温高力被委任为上海旭宝大卫利百特高尔夫学院总监之职,希望能为华东地区的高尔夫教学提供世界一流的培训。
After working for fifteen hours I began to tire. 工作了十五个小时之后,我开始感到累了。
After working for more than a month in the Observatory, Mr Chan realised that weather forecasting was a complicated and difficult task, and that behind a short TV weather report was abundant data collection, analysis, computation and reasoning work. 他说在天文台工作了个多月,体会到天气预报的复杂性和困难,现在才知道一个短短电视天气报告的背后,是大量的资料收集、分析、计算和推理工作。
After working with the crystal ball for a while - or just holding it - you begin to share a frequency and feel comfortable. 让水晶球工作一段时间以后-或仅仅是把握它一会儿-你开始共享一个频率以及感觉到舒适惬意。
After wrestling with myself for some days, I decided to accept her offer. 经过了几天的内心斗争,我决定接受她的建议。
After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up. 在年终分配之后,这个公社家家户户都有钱存入银行。
After years development in this industry, we have built a good relationship with many multinational companies and our business has been expanded to Europe, North-America, Korea and throughout the world. 经过多年的发展,我们的业务已经扩展到欧洲、北美洲以及亚洲,同时与众多的国际化大公司建立了良好的合作伙伴关系。
After years in which policy has been buffeted by competing requirements for efficiency, cheapness, social justice, productivity and greenery that at least is welcome. 多年来,该政策一直在效率、廉价、社会正义、生产率、环保等一系列受欢迎却难以兼顾的要求中摇摆不定。
After years of U.S. protests, the British finally agreed in 1871 to take responsibility for the damages caused by British-built Confederate raiders. 经过美国几年的抗争后,英国终于在1871年同意为英国制造的南方军舰所造成的损失负责。
After years of belittlement and repressed emotions, she finds herself no courage. (经过多年受人轻视和压制感情,她发觉自己失去勇气。)
After years of breeding only American bloodlines, I had to face up to some hard facts: we have a lot of genetic health problems in the breed and, more importantly, we had very few breeders formally testing their stock for either their health or inheritabl 在只繁育美国血统的数年后,我必须面对一些困难的事实:我们在繁育里有许多遗传问题,而且更重要的是,我们只有非常非常少的繁育者正式测试过他们犬只的血统,或是它们的健康,或是他们内在的工作能力。

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