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Mulford, R. Comprehension of Icelandic pronoun gender: Semantic versus formal factors.Journal-of-Child-Language 12(2) (1985): 443-453.

Mulder: Why do you say that? 穆德:你为什麽那样说?
Mulder: Witnesses described them as primitive-looking men with red, piercing eyes. Became known as the mothmen.I got an X-File dating back to 1952 on it. 穆德:目击者形容牠们是相貌原始、有锐利红眼的人,以「蛾人」一名为人所知。我有一份1952年的X档案谈牠。
Mulder: Yeah. You see that? We don't need that conference. We have communication, like that, unspoken, you know what I'm thinking. 穆德:对。看到没?我们不需要那个会议。我们能沟通,就像那样,不必多说,你知道我在些什麽。
Mules are a cross between a horse and an ass. 骡子是马和驴的杂种。
Muley was the only sharecropper to stay behind. 莫利是唯一留下不走的佃农。
Mulford, R. Comprehension of Icelandic pronoun gender: Semantic versus formal factors.Journal-of-Child-Language 12(2) (1985): 443-453. 冰岛语代名词性别的理解:语意因素与形式因素〉。《儿童语言期刊》,第12卷第二期(1985),443到453页。
Mulla, A. Historical Settlement Patterns in Mombasa.1981. 在蒙巴萨(肯亚)的历史定居模式>,1981.
Mullein is a great herb for the endocrine glandular system especially the thyroid. 对于调理内分泌系统,特别是甲状腺,毛蕊草是非常有名的草药。
Muller Martini, Headquartered in Switzerland, is a well-known multinational company, providing for the global printing industry print-finishing equipments and solutions as the clear world-market leader in print-finishing field. 马天尼公司是一家总部在瑞士的知名跨国公司,为全球印刷业提供印后处理设备和解决方案,在印后领域处于领导者地位。
Muller Martini, Headquartered in Switzerland, is a well-known multinational company, providing for the global printing industry print-finishing euipments and solutions as the clear world-market leader in print-finishing field. 马天尼公司是一家总部在瑞士的知名跨国公司,为全球印刷业提供印后处理设备和解决方案,在印后领域处于领导者地位。
Muller WE,Seibert G,Beyer R,et al.Effect of cordyceps on nucleic acidmetabolim in L5178 cells and on nucleic acid syn the sizing enzyme systems.Cancer Res,1977,37:3824. 王莜霞,吴兆龙.冬虫夏草对离体人肾小球系膜细胞增殖的影响.中国临床药学杂志,2001,10(1):24~26.

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