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If u want to get a certain degree at uni, u have to achieve a superb performance in against thousands of competitors.

If u hide, I'll seek 4 u. 如果你躲起来,我会去找你。
If u hide, I'll seek 4 u. If u r lost, I'll search 4 you. If u'll leave, I'll wait 4 u. If days take u away 4m me, I'll fight 4 u. 如果你躲起来,我会去找你。如果你不见了,我会寻觅你。如果你离开了,我会等你。如果日子会把你带走,我会为你战斗。
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS. 如果你保持安静,他说你没长脑子。
If u old 3 old 4, I will give u some color to see see! (如果你老三老四,我就给你点颜色看看!-_-!!)
If u r lost, I'll search 4 you. 如果你不见了,我会寻觅你。
If u want to get a certain degree at uni, u have to achieve a superb performance in against thousands of competitors. 如果你想取某些大学学位,你便需要有很好的成绩来击败其他竞争者。
If u want to send me a mail, please don't leave ur email address! Because it's not allowed by this website, and i probably can't received ur mail, thanks! 如果你想发信给我,请把要留下邮件地址,因为这是违反网站规定的,我将无法收到你的邮件,谢谢。
If u want to send out any new events info and news , or your music demo,please mail to us,thanks! 如果你想发布最新的活动信息和有关新闻,或者有自己的音乐作品,请通过邮件方式告诉我们,谢谢!
If unable to contact Kun Ming Control, revert to this frequency. 如不能联系昆明管制,回到这个频率。
If unable to step up (raise) temperature to 20 degrees, request to descend to 2500m. 如不能将温度升高20度,请求下降到2500米。
If unclear or unknown of polarity of circuit indication. Non polar capacitor is recommended to be used. 在电路回路中如不清楚或不明确线路的极性时,则建议使用无极性电解容器。

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