Governments that still have large budget deficits, notably in central and eastern Europe, must wield the axe.
财政赤字依然较大的政府,特别是中东欧国家,必须挥起利斧,采取果断措施。 |
Governments that temporize and seek intricate diplomatic excuses to look the other way, as they did when Iraq used chemical weapons because they feared Iran would win, are not only flouting morality.
某些政府因恐伊朗获胜,当伊拉克使用化学武器时,因循迁就,并找寻错综复杂的外交藉口而不予理会。 |
Governments, meantime, also are trying to capitalize on growing popularity of indigenous treatments.
此外,各国政府也试图对传统医药的日渐流行加以利用。 |
Governments, too, should embrace the potential of women.
政府同样要发挥女性的潜能。 |
Governmentscan use this cash to reduce other inefficient taxes, thereby cutting theeconomic costs of carbon abatement.
政府有了这些税收就可以免除在摊在碳身上的其他低效税,从而降低碳减排的成本。 |
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed an emergency proclamation to free up state resources needed to fight the blaze.
州长阿诺施瓦辛格签署了一项命令调动全州的资源与火魔做抗争。 |
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, at the world premiere of a TV commercial for California agriculture, in Sacramento.
在美国加利福尼亚州首府萨克拉曼多举行的关于加州农业的一个电视广告首映仪式上,州长阿诺·施瓦辛格如是说. |
Governor Kaine formed an independent panel to investigate Monday's rampage in Blacksburg, Virginia, by 23-year-old student Cho Seung-hui.
凯恩州长组成了一个独立小组,调查星期一发生在维州布莱克斯堡由名叫赵承熙的学生制造的枪杀案。 |
Governor Sir Robert Black opens the new school, a five-storey building complete with a gymnasium and staff quarters, and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club.
港督柏立基爵士主持新校舍开幕。新校舍楼高五层,由香港赛马会捐助,设施包括体育馆及职员宿舍。 |
Governor Tim Kaine has moved to deal with this.
州长凯因被迫转移工作中心处理此事。 |
Governors are encouraged to designate a district secretary.
鼓励总监们指派一位地区秘书。 |