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After being sick in bed for a week, Jane still looked pallid.

After being released from custody, President Chen's son-in-law, the illustrious Zhao Jianming, felt no shame and showed no regret. 陈总统的女婿,了不得的赵建铭从看所守释放出来丝毫没有羞愧与悔意。
After being released from prison, repeat offender Lam Sai –Song received no acceptance by friends and relatives. 一个多次犯事的释囚回到家里,为家中各人不容,亦不容于朋友亲戚。
After being repeatedly elected to the House of Representatives, Garfield was elected to the Senate but never served there because he was nominated and elected to the White House before he could be sworn in as a Senator, the only such case in our history. 加菲尔德数度入选众议院后,又入选了参议院,但是从未在此任职,因为他还没有等到宣誓就任参议员,就被提名并入主了白宫,这成为美国历史上独一无二的事例。
After being served, one of the elders asked the clergyman to say grace. “I'd rather not,” the clergyman said. “I don't want Him to know I'm here. 饭后,一位老人要牧师祈祷。“我想还是免了,”牧师说。“我不想让主知道我在这里。”
After being shut down by the O's pitching staff in their two most recent losses, the Yankees won't have it much easier at the plate on Thursday, when Justin Verlander will take the mound for the Tigers. 在金鹰队这两天投手优异的表现后,洋基已经连输两场,老虎队派出贾斯汀.维兰德迎战洋基队,对洋基队而言又是一场硬仗要打。
After being sick in bed for a week, Jane still looked pallid. 卧病在床一星期后,简的脸色看起来仍然有些苍白。
After being summoned to the public security organ, the offender should be interrogated and investigated promptly. (五)对违反治安管理的人,公安机关传唤后应当及时讯问查证。
After being taken back 200 years, we were suddenly returned to the present day. 我们刚才还处在200年前的历史场景之中, 一下子又回到了现在.
After being taken back 200 years, we were suddenly returned to the present day. 我们刚才还处在200年前的历史场景之中,一下子又回到了现在.
After being trained for a certain period, they will go back to their own department. 在培训一个时期后,他们将回到自己的岗位上去。
After being turned down by numerous publishers, he decided to write for posterity. 经过书商无数次的拒绝后,他决定为后代而写作.

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