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About 700 years ago a young trader from Italy took a long trip to Cathay.

About 70 species from South East Asia to the Pacific region.Small quantrties imported mainly from New Guinea and Irian Jaya,and rarely from other areas. 近70种﹐分布于东南亚及大洋洲﹐进口量少﹐主要由新几内亚及伊里安岛进口﹐其他地区罕有进口者。
About 70% of Australian's major exposrtes go to Asia and the government of Prime Minister John Howard* has been keen to develop closer economic, diplomatic and security ties with Asia. 澳大利亚约70%的产品是向亚洲出口,政府总理霍华德非常希望与亚洲国家增强经济、外交和防卫方面的联系。
About 70% of Australians major exports go to Asia and the government of Prime Minister John Howard has been keen to develop closer economic, diplomatic and security ties with Asia. 约有70%的澳大利亚的主要出口商品是到亚洲,霍华德总理政府热切希望在发展经济、外交和安全方面与亚洲加强联系。
About 70% of the total rainfall as heavy downpour in the summer monsoon months and 30% in winter. 夏季季风季节的暴雨占总降雨量的70%,冬季占30%。
About 70.6% of the patients showed leukocytosis. 60%的病人呈白血球升高。
About 700 years ago a young trader from Italy took a long trip to Cathay. 距今大约七百年以前,意大利有个年轻的商人,千里迢迢到天朝来游历。
About 700,000 people had their homes or stalls destroyed. 大约70万人的住所或摊位被拆除。
About 75 percent read online news and used search engines for information. 约75%的网民在网上浏览新闻以及使用搜索引擎搜索信息。
About 77 per cent said they would not employ hepatitis B carriers. 的被访企业表示不接受乙肝病毒携带者。
About 8 years ago, when I was working for Coke, I worked on a promotion where Eason was one of the celebrity spokesperson. 很多年前当我还是可口可乐品牌经理的时候,我曾经搞过一个市场活动,活动的代言人是梁汉文、杨仟桦和陈亦迅。
About 8,000 Florida National Guard troops have been mobilized to assist in recovery efforts and prevent looting. 约八千名佛罗里达国民警卫队协助救灾工作,并防止抢劫事件的发生。

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