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Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 69544 ,gross industrial output value is 171.56 billion yuan.

Number of indication channels : 若干迹象渠道:
Number of marginally trusted signatures needed to make a key valid. 使一个密匙有效所必须的部分信任的签名个数,目前是两个。
Number of shareholders in the company . 在公司的股东的数字。
Number of staff employed . 职员的数字雇用。
Number of tracer particles to be put into the fluid at the beginning of the simulation. 跟踪粒子从进入流体开始模拟的数目。
Number of under designated industrial enterprises is 69544 ,gross industrial output value is 171.56 billion yuan. 附:限额以下工业企业单位数为69544个,工业总产值为171.56亿元。
Number one piece of advice: for the love of all that is good in this world, do yourself a favor and play with a paladin. 忠告第一点:有奶妈疼绝对是世界上最好的事情,作个招人爱的好孩子,娶个圣骑士做老婆。
Number one, set a goal and back it with a burning desire. 第一点,设定目标,充满热切的。
Number seven: Change is what happens. Change is the only surety. 变化无时不在,变化是唯一的保证。
Number seven: babies are found under gooseberry bushes. Used to fend off awkward questions like, mummy where do I come from? 第7大谎言,婴儿是在醋栗树下被发现的。这个谎言来对付孩子们提出的“妈妈,我是从哪儿来的?”这个棘手而不便回答的问题。
Number ten:For the gentle lady who hates doing dishes.A dishwasher! 第十件:专为不爱洗碗的女士所设计,洗碗机!

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