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For those investors who invest in industrial projects,can be provide land by agreement according to administrative transfer standards.After paying for the migration's removal ,aftercare and plant compensation once,the land transfer charge of the project c

For those goods listed in Annex 2B, China shall phase out limitation on the grant of trading rights pursuant to the schedule in that Annex. 对于附件2B所列货物,中国应根据该附件中所列时间表逐步取消在给予贸易权方面的限制。
For those important industrial projects,infrastructure projects and common weal projects,which can greatly promote the local economy,can enjoy special preference.We will carry out the system of adopting special methods to dissolve the special problems ins 对我市经济的较大促进作用的工业项目、基础设施项目和公益事业项目,可给予特别优惠,实行一事一议,特事特办。
For those inputs/outputs resident on other processors, the same shall be hardwired. 但两个逻辑在不同处理器时,要硬连接才可(提供保护输入/输出)。
For those integrating this wave of cosmic and cellular restucturing, your body's are aligning in the final phases of genetic connectivity. 对于整合这宇宙波和细胞重构的那些人,你们的身体是对准了遗传连通性最终的矫正阶段。
For those interested in making Norway their next port of call, what should be the first step? 对于那些想把挪威作为他们下一个停留之地的观光者,首先应该做什么?
For those investors who invest in industrial projects,can be provide land by agreement according to administrative transfer standards.After paying for the migration's removal ,aftercare and plant compensation once,the land transfer charge of the project c 对工业项目,可以协议方式供地,项目投资者除拆迁补偿费、安置费和青苗补偿费一次性到位外,其土地出让金由投资方垫付后,从项目所产生的地方税收中由财政分期列支,用于支持企业发展。
For those invited to interview it is critical they can conduct the interview in English - if unable to do so the interview will be terminated early. 受邀参加面试的应聘者,应确保可以参加英文面试,面试中如发现语言方面有沟通障碍,面试可能会提前结束。
For those lacking a fundamental comprehension of how science works, the siren song of pseudoscience becomes too alluring to resist, no matter how smart you are. 有些人对科学如何运作缺乏真正的理解,无论他们有多聪明,仍很难抗拒伪科学的迷惑。
For those meeting all of the above, the preferential policy is applicable, namely the deed tax will only be 1.5%; otherwise, it will be doubled to 3%. 符合上述标准的普通住宅交易时则享受契税减半即1.5%的优惠政策,超过普通住宅标准的住房交易时将缴交3%的契税。
For those of us who are constantly homesick, it's a good way to keep in touch with parents through the Internet. (对我们这些常患思乡病的人来说,通过互联网和家人保持联系是一个好方法。)
For those of us who can read this interview, it is hard to realize how crippling illiteracy must be and how difficult it is to survive without the knowledge we gain from the written word. 对于有能力阅读这篇访谈的我们而言,一定很难了解文盲的负面影响有多大,也很难体会在缺乏从书写文字中获得知识的情况下谋生有多困难。

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