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Could I have attracted the roofer while standing in the exact spot he died at the completion of the building during a major trauma to the building?

Could I have a route map and timetable please? 我可以拿一份路线图和时刻表吗?
Could I have a word with you before the meeting? 开会前我可以和你谈一下吗?
Could I have a word with you, if you're not too busy ? 你若不太忙的话,我跟你说句话行吗?
Could I have a word with you? 我可以跟你私下说句话吗?
Could I have a word with you? Sure, what's on your mind? 我可以私下和你谈谈吗?当然,你心里在想什么?
Could I have attracted the roofer while standing in the exact spot he died at the completion of the building during a major trauma to the building? 是不是因为我站在楼房完工前那名屋顶工人死前站的地方,所以在地震时才会招引了他的魂魄?
Could I have extension 211, please? 可以帮我转一下分机211吗?
Could I have extension 605,please? 请转接分机。
Could I have that in writing? 谢谢你的夸奖!
Could I have the bill,please? 请把账单给我好吗?
Could I have the lease translated before I sign it? 在我签租约之前能不能让人先把它翻译一下?

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