If the participatory indexes appear to be unsatisfactory, the coordinator may assist the participants with low attendance to eliminate participatory barrier and restrain the participants with excessive attendance from creating possible participatory inter
回依据计算所得之结果进行线上管控,意即当参与指标不理想时,组织协调者可协助低参与者排除参与障碍,并抑制高参与者所可能产生之参与干扰。 |
If the parties apply for conciliation voluntarily, the arbitration tribunal shall conciliate.
当事人自愿调解的,仲裁庭应当调解。 |
If the parties become reconciled or the case is settled through conciliation by the arbitration tribunal, the parties may make an agreement of the proportion of the arbitration expenses to be borne by each party.
当事人自行和解或者经仲裁庭调解结案的,当事人可以协商确定各自承担的仲裁费用的比例。 |
If the parties fail to adopt a writing, the lease is deemed a non-term lease.
当事人未采用书面形式的,视为不定期租赁。 |
If the parties have validly agreed on retention of title, the goods shall remain the property of the Seller until the complete payment of the price, or as otherwise agreed.
如果双方对于货物所有权的保留作了有效的约定,卖方对货物保留所有权直到价款支付完毕为止,或者依另外的约定。 |
If the partner you like can't mentally stimulate you the sexual aspect of the relationship will probably be short-lived.
如果对方不能从精神上支持你,这种关系就不会长久。 |
If the partnership fails to conduct the relevant registration for change in accordance herewith when a registered item has changed, registration within a prescribed time limit shall be ordered; if the partnership fails to conduct the registration after th
合伙企业登记事项发生变更时,未按照本法规定办理有关变更登记的,责令限期登记;逾期不登记的,处以二千元以下的罚款。 |
If the partnership property is not sufficient to pay the debts that are due, each partner shall be jointly and severally liable for payment thereof.
合伙企业财产不足清偿到期债务的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任。 |
If the party concerned disagrees with the decision made after reconsideration, it may bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days from the date of receiving the decision.
当事人对复议决定不服的,可以在接到复议决定之日起15日内向人民法院起诉。 |
If the party concerned neither applies for reconsideration or bring an action, nor perform the specific administrative act within the statutory period, the industrial and commercial administrative department or the public health administration department
当事人在法定期限内不申请复议、不提起诉讼又不履行具体行政行为的,作出具体行政行为的工商行政管理部门和卫生行政部门可以依据《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定,申请人民法院强制执行。 |
If the party concerned neither applies for review nor files a lawsuit nor performs the decision on administrative punishments within the time limit, the administrative department that makes the decision on administrative punishments may apply to the peopl
当事人逾期不申请复议,不提起诉讼又不履行行政处罚决定的,作出行政处罚决定的行政部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。 |