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Detection of TB DNA, HSVⅡ DNA, HCMV DNA in erythema nodosum skin tissues by in situ PCR

Detection of M-protein on pharyngeal florae of patients with guttate psoriasis by polymerase chain reaction 聚合酶链式反应检测银屑病患者咽部菌群中M蛋白
Detection of NO,NOS in serum of recurrent aphthae ulcer and the clinical significance 复发性口疮血清NO、NOS的检测及临床意义
Detection of Na, K-ATPase Isoform in Guinea Pig Heart 豚鼠心脏Na,K-ATPase亚型表达的检测
Detection of Neisser ia Gonorrhoeae by the Culture and the Real-time Fluorescence Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction 实时荧光定量PCR检测临床标本中淋病奈瑟菌
Detection of Plasmic Solubility Selectin P and L in Puerile Thrombopenia 儿童血小板减少症的可溶性选择素P、L检测
Detection of TB DNA, HSVⅡ DNA, HCMV DNA in erythema nodosum skin tissues by in situ PCR 原位PCR法检测结节性红斑皮损组织中TBDNA、HSVⅡDNA、CMVDNA
Detection of TLS/FUS-CHOP Fusion Gene Transcript in Myxoid Liposarcoma 粘液样脂肪肉瘤TLS/FUS-CHOP融合基因的检测
Detection of Transgenic Factors in Soy Meal 豆粕中转基因成分检测技术研究
Detection of Viral Sequences in DNA Extracted from Pathological Tissues of Carcinoma Cervix by Using P-Labelled Human Papillomavirus DNA Probes 用~ P标记的人乳头瘤病毒DNA检测宫颈病变组织DNA中病毒序列
Detection of cyclin B level by RT-PCR and its significance for primary hepato cellular carcinoma 半定量RT-PCR检测原发性肝癌cyclinB的表达和意义
Detection of hantaan virus from gamasid mite and chigger mite by molecular biological methods 用分子生物学方法检测螨体内汉坦病毒的研究

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