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It leads real economic activity and can help forecast growth momentum.

It lay there with its eyes closed, dead as a doornail. 它躺在那里眼睛闭著,确实死了。
It lays its eggs on fire ants. 它将卵产在火蚁身上。
It lays the foundation of utilization of the urban rainwater resources. 为城市雨水资源的利用提供了依据。
It lead end-user to select the most reasonable diagnose or forecast method to solve the problem by means of describing the concrete forecasting task. 通过问题具体描述,引导用户选择合理的诊断或预测方法解决预测问题。
It leads men to eat more light meals, such as salads, fruit and vegetables, while women chose to make creamier, heavier dishes like curry or rich pasta sauces, which may please their partner. 这就导致男人经常会吃一些清淡食物,如沙拉、水果和蔬菜等;而女人则会选择一些更油腻的、味道厚重的菜品,像咖喱和意大利面酱等。
It leads real economic activity and can help forecast growth momentum. 该指标的变化领先于宏观经济总体变化因而可以帮助投资者预测经济走势。
It leads to a presentation like that of acute appendicitis, but an adnexal mass may be palpable. 通常与急性阑尾炎表现相似,但有明显的附件团块。
It leads to intimacy before acquaintance;it scatters secrets outwards,not inwards;and,most worrying of all,it is a vehicle for liars. 它使人们还未相识就已亲近,它不能保守秘密反而扩散秘密;而最令人担心的是,它是撒谎人传播谎言的工具。
It leapt from its hiding place and up the bank. 它突然从隐藏的地方跳起来,向上游跑去。
It leaves lots of space to put text in or to crop the image. 它给文字留下很多空间,或者去剪裁图像。
It leaves much to be desired. Watermelons are now in season. Let me sleep on it. 有待改进.现在是西瓜的盛产期.让我好好考虑考虑.

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