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I'm ever so sorry . I hope my carelessness hasn't caused much delay.

I'm envious of your progress in English. (我真羡慕你在英语方面取得的进步。)
I'm especially confused by a style I have lately seen with alarming frequency: the fronts of the legs are light and the inner thighs tinted much darker, giving the wearer not the intended lean-thighed look, but the appearance of someone who is blissfully 如今的牛仔裤真让人搞不懂:近来我常惊恐地看到这样一款:大腿部分正面颜色浅,背面颜色深,这种搞法,起不到让大腿显得瘦的作用,还让人以为她尿裤子了还蒙在鼓里。。
I'm especially interested in marketing. 我对市场营销尤其感兴趣。
I'm estimating how many people will show up. (我在估计有几人参加。)
I'm ever at my country's call. [我任何时候都听从祖国召唤→]我随时听从祖国召唤。
I'm ever so sorry . I hope my carelessness hasn't caused much delay. 非常抱歉,希望我的粗心没造成多大的延误。
I'm ever so sorry. 我真是很难过。
I'm evidently starting to have some doubts. 即使他射门得分了,长久以来他还是被人们忽略了。
I'm exhausted every day after work. 每天下了班,我都筋疲力尽。
I'm expecting a cold reception. 我早就期待你会冷淡地接待我.
I'm extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office. 他在办公室里老是目不转睛地盯著我,真把我气坏了。

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