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Officials say the baby gator was probably a pet that someone let loose.

Officials say that it was shot down by a missile shortly after take off the airport. 官员称飞机是在刚刚起飞时被导弹击中的。
Officials say that trainees should consider moving south in search of work—but a third of them are over 30 and so are likely to have families and mortgages, making this blithe suggestion difficult to follow. 当地政府认为这些毕业生应该考虑到南方去寻找工作,但是他们中的三分之一已经超过三十岁,大部分都已经在当地成家立业,所以要变换工作地点是有一定困难的。
Officials say the 218-pound eight-year-old routinely missed appointments with nurses and nutritionists. 据官方透露这个重达218磅的8岁男孩的成长长久以来都未得到护士和营养专家的指导建议。
Officials say the New Yorker is undergoing surgery after being thrown by a bull. 官员说,被公牛投出后,纽约人正在手术。
Officials say the aid stoppage does not affect humanitarian aid sent to relief agencies. 官员说,停止援助并不影响送往救援机构的人道救援。
Officials say the baby gator was probably a pet that someone let loose. 官员们说,这只小鳄鱼很可能是有人放生的小宠物。
Officials say the back door had been padlock ed. 官方称后门已经被关闭。
Officials say the bomber blew up his vehicle as a convoy pa ed taking Kostoyev to work. 有关官员说,在送科斯妥耶夫上班的车队经过时,炸弹杀手引爆了自己的汽车。
Officials say the bomber blew up his vehicle as a convoy passed taking Kostoyev to work. 有关官员说,在送科斯妥耶夫上班的车队经过时,炸弹杀手引爆了自己的汽车。
Officials say the bus did not have a permit to drive on the winding road. 官员说这辆巴士并不被允许在蜿蜒的山路上行驶。
Officials say the current outbreak might have been caused by water polluted with waste from cattle. 官员说,目前爆发可能由于牛排泄物污染水源造成的。

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