It pleased me to indulge her wishes.
放手满足她的欲望,使我感到高兴。 |
It pleases me to declare the signs and wonders that God the Most High has done for me.
2我乐意将至高的神向我所行的神迹奇事,宣扬出来。 |
It pointed out that need is the real reason that why there are different views on this question, almost every view has its own strongpoint and defects.
指出:所以出现不同表述是因为存在不同需要,几乎每一种表述都是长短互见。 |
It pointed out that relation mode could be organized by sequential traversal of hierarchy tree structure.
方法指出将层次树状结构顺序遍历,组织成为关系模式。 |
It pointed out that series voltage regulator had higher performance cast ratio and was the best plan for AC voltage regulation.
对其工作原理进行了对比研究,指出串联型电压调节装置的性能价格比高于其他方式,是目前交流电压调节装置中较好的一种方案。 |
It pointed out the copoly-merization with phosphorus-containing flame retardant and monomers naphthylenediol, naphthylene diacid and glycerol together with the dosages of nano-particles and layered structure silicates would be a viable route to anti-dripp
指出:磷系共聚阻燃改性技术辅以其它反应性单体、纳米添加剂等有利于改善涤纶的抗熔滴性和炭化阻燃作用。 |
It pointed out to enhance management of outsourcing of cataloguing was the key to success.
文章指出,加强编目对外承包的管理,是其成败的关键。 |
It pointed to everything cowardly in me -- my fear of death and disease, even my claustrophobia when riding in a car I wasn't driving.
事实证明我很胆小—我害怕死亡和疾病,甚至于乘坐不是我驾驶的车的恐惧。 |
It points out that Cu-based in-situ composites possessing high strength and conductivity have become one of hotspots in the field of research on high strength and conductivity Cu-based composites, and lowering product cost, researching fabrication techniq
分析指出:形变原位铜基复合材料兼顾了高强度和高导电性,已成为高强高导铜基导电材料研发领域的热点之一,降低生产成本、研究产业化制备工艺、深入完善基础理论是该类材料的发展趋势。 |
It points out that the objective cause in the spatial aspect of Xinyi's developing slowly is that it is far away from the nucleus of Shanghai economic circle and at the middle point of Xuzhou-Lianyungang dual-nuclei stucture, and suggests implementing the
指出新沂由于远离经济核心城市、并处于徐连双核结构的中点是其发展滞后的空间方面的客观原因,并提出实施T字型开发战略、构建宿新双核结构和新沂中心城市圈等有利于新沂及其邻近地区的空间发展思路。 |
It points out that the system ' s developing trendency is multimedia and intellectualized.
指出多媒体、智能化是未来坦克装甲车辆仪表和指令系统的发展方向。 |