Some of that hard science leads to nearly 7,000 fireworks-related emergency room visits on and around the Fourth, not to mention cookout-related ER visits (burns, bug bites, food poisoning, ad nauseam) each Independence Day.
其中某些严肃的科学原理,导致7月4日前后,全美国发生约7000起与烟火有关的急诊事故,更不用说因烤肉而到急诊室报到人次了(烫伤、蚊虫叮咬、食物中毒……不胜枚举)。 |
Some of the Classic of Poetry also copes with the peoples' life, including the aristocrats' wine-drinking, archery, feasting and merry-making as well as the life of hard-working peasants.
《诗经》中的一些诗还反映了当时人们生活的场景,其中有贵族饮酒、射箭、宴会享乐的生活,也有农民辛勤劳动的生活。 |
Some of the Classic of Poetry, too, gives an account of the lovelorn grief and the unfortunate marriage, for instance, the Deserted Wife of Wei.
《诗经》的一些诗也描写了失恋的痛苦和婚姻的不幸,比如《卫风·氓》。 |
Some of the Clubs are open and available to the general riding public and do accept liveries, hold competitions, and so on; some Clubs are focussed on tourists and some are primarily closed to the general public and are open to livery owners only.
有一些俱乐部是向普通大众开放的,接受马主寄养马匹,可以举行大型比赛;有一些俱乐部仅用于旅游观光,有一些不对普通大众开放,只对马主开放。 |
Some of the Elvish chants were dedicated to him to praise him for his courage.
某些小精灵的圣歌就是为他而作,以赞颂他的勇气。 |
Some of the Jews were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, as did a large number of God-fearing Greeks and not a few prominent women.
4他们中间有些人听了劝,就附从保罗和西拉。并有许多虔敬的希利尼人,尊贵的妇女也不少。 |
Some of the Pharisees asked, Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?
2有几个法利赛人说,你们为什么作安息日不可作的事呢? |
Some of the Premiership's elite such as Ryan Giggs and Wayne Rooney have made their homes in Cheshire making it equal ninth with Lincolnshire.
柴郡和林肯郡因拥有包括赖安·吉格斯在内的众多英国名人的住所而同列富裕指数排行榜第9位。 |
Some of the Rocket fans are vastly overrating T-Mac's value these days.
最近这些天,火箭的部分球迷大大高估了麦迪的价值。 |
Some of the Roman Emperors tried to make Christians abjure their religion.
有些罗马皇帝试著使基督教徒宣誓放弃他们的宗教。 |
Some of the Yankees will be back in San Francisco in two weeks for the All-Star Game, but they're making a good first impression in the Bay Area.
尽管有些洋基球员将在二星期内重回旧金山参加全明星赛,但洋基队已在旧金山湾区有了一个好的开始。 |