In this case, it is necessary for us to treat art as cultural contact between subjects, to restore the abstract concept of artin traditional aethetics to the transmission and sustenance of aesthetic information under specific cultural contexts, to study t |
中文意思: 于是我们必然要把艺术也视作由主体人所参与的文化交往活动,将传统美学中抽象的“艺术”概念还原为审美信息在特定具体的文化情景中的传递与持存,研究“艺术惯例”基于不同时代的生成过程,从而在与生活实践相联系的“自下而上”式的描述中凸显艺术在文化中的生存样态。 |
In this case, blood filled the pleural cavity (hemothorax), but atelectasis could also result from filling the chest with air (pneumothorax), transudate (hydrothorax), lymph (chylothorax), or purulent exudate (empyema).
但是肺不张也可由胸腔内充满气体(气胸)、漏出液(胸水)、淋巴(乳糜胸),或者脓性渗出物(脓胸)引起。 |
In this case, building the high quality educational staff is the vital factor for the whole process of training qualified social members, so the comprehensive factors must be taken into account so as to turn out the social members with lofty ideas, moral
树立全员育人、全程育人、全方位育人的新理念,不断增强思想政治教育工作的时代感和主动性,培养和造就德、智、体、美全面发展的社会主义合格建设者和可靠接班人。 |
In this case, contact easecredit through your user e-mail address and inform us about the details of the money transfer (payment).
要取消汇款,用户要通过电子邮件与易信联系,并提供汇款的详细说明。 |
In this case, each guideline is specific, including short commentary, examples and references.
在这个方法中,每条方针都是独特的,包括简短的注释,例子及参考材料。 |
In this case, in contrast, plaintiff is asking that QFC delve into its database to notify her about a meat recall.
而本案中,原告却要求QFC从其数据库调取信息以通知她关于牛肉的召回之事。 |
In this case, it is necessary for us to treat art as cultural contact between subjects, to restore the abstract concept of artin traditional aethetics to the transmission and sustenance of aesthetic information under specific cultural contexts, to study t
于是我们必然要把艺术也视作由主体人所参与的文化交往活动,将传统美学中抽象的“艺术”概念还原为审美信息在特定具体的文化情景中的传递与持存,研究“艺术惯例”基于不同时代的生成过程,从而在与生活实践相联系的“自下而上”式的描述中凸显艺术在文化中的生存样态。 |
In this case, it may be necessary for us to have recourse to arbitration.
这种情况下,我们有必要求助仲裁。 |
In this case, it's a good idea to use some sort of automated support for the diagrams.
如果你在做一个比较复杂的例子,你也许会创建多的图,每一个图展示数据的子集。 |
In this case, let's start earlier.
既然这样,我们就早点开始。 |
In this case, lymphoma involving the lymphatics of the chest and abdomen led to the collection of chylous fluid.
该淋巴瘤病人病变累及胸部和腹部淋巴管引起乳糜液聚集。 |
In this case, management should map out their training plan, and help them to make their individual career development plan links with enterprise's vision.
在此情况下,管理者应制定出培养计划,并帮助其做出与企业远景相匹配的职业生涯规划。 |