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In this swift changing environment, we believe that the key to achieve the success for all companies is to utilize their marketing promoting budgets prudently and to the greatest effect.

In this subject we prepared educations displays on engineering principles related to birds which we gave to the Boston Nature Center and the Museum of Science. 在这个目标之下,我们预备了先前提供波士顿自然中心暨科学博物馆关于鸟类并与工程原理相关的教育性展示品。
In this subscription, securities investment fund management companies shall carry out their businesses according to the relevant laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission (the “CSRC”), and shall bear their 在本次申购中,证券投资基金管理公司应按照相关法律法规及中国证监会有关规定执行,并自行承担相应的法律责任。
In this subtle way she actually initiates their relationship. 关系初始,女人以明眸秋波告诉男人,你能使我快乐。
In this superb video production Muay Thai is brought to you with an easy-to-follow narration, and every move demonstrated by a master of this ancient and noble art. 此精品碟将泰拳技术用简单易懂的叙述方式展现在你面前,每一个招数都由一位技法精湛的大师亲自示范。
In this sutta, sensual desire is personified as Mara. Yet, in real life, Mara is the defilement underlying the tendency to sensual desire. 在经典里,欲望以人格化的恶魔而呈现,然而,在现实生活里,恶魔是潜在的欲望。
In this swift changing environment, we believe that the key to achieve the success for all companies is to utilize their marketing promoting budgets prudently and to the greatest effect. 在市场环境快速变换的今天,我们深刻的领悟到,成功的秘诀是如何协助我们的客户将其预算发挥到最佳效果。
In this symposium my part is only to sit in silence. To express one's feelings as the end draws near is too intimate a task. 在这次座谈会上,我的职责只是安静地坐着。要在生命即将完结之时表达个人感受并非易事。
In this symposium, my part is only to sit in silence. 在这次讨论会上,我只要安静的坐着就够了。
In this sys tem, OGSA-DAI is used to encapsulate enterprise database, and it provides a data accessing and integrated unified inter face to realize the resource share of alliance enterprises. 通过该系统,异构企业之间可以实现资源信息共享与异地协作,提高中小企业的市场竞争力。
In this system, by using call center of the province and its municipalities, the authors have achieved the communication between the data gateway of telegraphy corporation and the data gateway of the center of province, and between the data gateway of the 该系统利用省中心和各地市的呼叫中心,来实现省电信局数据网关与省中心数据网关、省中心数据网关与各地市数据网关之间的数据通信。
In this system, not only in. formation, but also equipment in control center and the communication channel between control center and local stations are shared. 分别介绍了两种模型的结构、功能和特点,对两种模型的优点进行了分析比较,给出了两种模型的适用建议。

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