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A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause.

A performer of prescribed activities giving up the desire for results of activities obtains uninterrupted peace; but a performer of fruitive activities becomes bound by obsession to the results of actions due to desire to enjoy the fruit of actions. 从事指定行为的人放弃对行为结果的渴望就会获得连续不断的圆寂;但是从事获利行为的人由于渴望享受行为的成果而被这种魔障所束缚。
A performer of prescribed activities, a knower of truth having ascertained that it is the senses engaged in their various sense objects, never thinks he is doing anything; in spite of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving, sleeping, breathin 从事指定行为了悟了真理的人明确地懂得是感觉器官在忙于应付它们要感知的对象,从来也不会认为他的自性在做任何事,尽管也看,也听,也触摸,也嗅闻,也进食,也移动,也睡眠,也呼吸,也说话,也排泄,也抓取东西,但是就象眼脸的开合一样是自然而然地进行的。
A performer who pretends to swallow fire. 吞火魔术师假装吞火的表演者
A performer's distinctive personal version of a song, dance, piece of music, or role; a rendering. 艺术处理一个表演者对一首歌、舞蹈、一曲音乐或角色的有特色的、个人的独到处理;艺术加工
A perinatologist, Alfred Khoury, who struggles to save the lives of tiny, very premature babies, comments that those involved in reproductive endocrinology have a special place in hell. 围产期医学专家阿尔弗雷德.科霍雷不遗余力地拯救幼小早产婴儿的生命,他评论说,那些参与了生殖内分泌学的人都“有一个落户地狱的免费名额”。
A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause. 绝经期,更年期生命的一个阶段,特征是标志妇女生殖能力终结及以停经完成为结束的生理、心理变化
A period of reduced busine activity. 经营活动下降的时期。
A period of reduced business activity. 经营活动下降的时期。
A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 阶段持续的技术发展和革新的一段时期
A period of sequential technological development and innovation. 信息技术的发展是二十世纪工业技术上的最大进步。
A period of such abstention or self-denial. 断食期,节食期这种戒除或自我克制的时期

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