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At present , produce dragon , Ke , Ball of Kes and money of Xiamen reach 6600 - 6700 - 6790 - 6890 China and Palestine , 99 green lotus , Mitsubishi Rosa ,etc. series of products then mainly, with domestic dozens of, the motor bus factory form a complete

At ports, cargo ships anchor near the docks. 在港口,货船停靠在码头边。
At postmortem, brain changes typical of Alzheimer's disease were found. 在对其的尸检中,发现阿尔兹罕默氏病的典型脑部改变。
At power new sheriff, and bad boys oppress nation. 在新郡治安官的管辖下,坏人当道压迫人民。
At present , The JiaWei designs and produces all kinds of cassette mechanism of quartz clock,including cassette mechanism of alarm clock,stopwatch and pendulum clock. 当前,加威所设计生产的石英钟机芯种类齐全,有闹钟机芯、扫秒机芯和摆钟机芯,以优良的品质,赢得了国内外市场的广泛认可。
At present , it is still unsuitable to develop e-business in China ? 目前,还不适合在中国发展电子商务?
At present , produce dragon , Ke , Ball of Kes and money of Xiamen reach 6600 - 6700 - 6790 - 6890 China and Palestine , 99 green lotus , Mitsubishi Rosa ,etc. series of products then mainly, with domestic dozens of, the motor bus factory form a complete 目前,主要生产凯斯鲍尔、厦门金龙、柯斯达中巴6600、6700、6790、6890、99碧莲、三菱罗莎等系列产品,与国内几十家中、大客车生产厂配套。
At present , the Company is joining hands with the R &D centers of Tsinghua University and China Academy of Agricultural Machinery to embark on joint development of spice products with honey pomelos as the main resource and the technology for preserving t 目前公司正与清华大学、中国农机学院的科研中心合作,实施企业与科研单位相结合,共同开发的以蜜柚资源为主的香料产品和蜜柚肉保鲜技术,与福建农林大学食品科技学院合作,对蜜柚果肉进行工业化保鲜加工和对香蕉进行气调保鲜等项目合作研究,该项目已列入福建省2003年重点建设项目。
At present , under the leadership of the current principal Huang Jinyi , the school is striving toward a new stage of increasing the intercourse with the outside world . 在现任校长黄锦衣的领导下,培元正加强同外部世界的交往,进入了一个新的发展时期。
At present ,ROCKY SEA PRODUCTS INC is using dalian as our production bases for our export business,and these plants are skilled and has been HACCP certificated and EEC registrated. 我公司以大连为水产出口加工基地,选择有经验,并获得HACCP认证及获得敬欧盟注册资格的企业为合作伙伴。
At present ,a number of big projects with foreign investment investment of 6 billion R&B, Rizhao SSYMB Paper &Pulp Co, Ltd with investment of 2.9 billion P &B and Korean-Investment of 100 million USD have been put into operation in the City. 目前,包括投资60亿的日照发电厂、29亿元的日照森博浆纸有限公司、1亿美元的大宇水泥日照粉末站等一批大型外资工业项目已经投入运营。
At present ,company have a series of solar -products,as below:solar-cell,solar-light series,solar-modules series,others application series,client-solar system and The applications of Pv solar power,provide diversification, rivalrous solar products for cli 目前,公司从事的绿色能源产品有太阳能电池片、太阳能电池组件、太阳能灯、太阳能应用产品、太阳能用户发电系统和光伏应用工程,实现了产品的多种化,多样化,为客户提供了性价比高,质量可靠的产品、相关产品已广泛用于通信、广电、交通、照明、园林、电话亭、户外旅游以及偏僻地区的供电、生活等领域,许多产品已出口到日本、韩国、德国等国家,并得到客户信赖。

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