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Fiona: [eats a cake] No…none at all [take another bite]…do you smell ham?

Fiona came out last season. 菲奥纳上一季初次参加社交活动。
Fiona will become Farquaad's 9)bride, and the 10)exiled mice, pigs, and wolf will be allowed to return home. 费欧娜将成为法魁德的新娘,而被放逐的老鼠、猪与狼就可以回家了。
Fiona: I was a lesbian once at school, but only for about fifteen minutes. 菲奥纳:我在学校的时候曾经做过15分钟的女同性恋。
Fiona: Quite right. Why be dull? 菲奥纳:这种说法很对,为什么会无聊?
Fiona: Totally! I'm saying it from the bottom of my heart! And it's obvious that he's head over heels in love with you, too. 菲奥娜:当然!我可是发自肺腑的。而且,很明显他也疯狂地爱着你。
Fiona: [eats a cake] No…none at all [take another bite]…do you smell ham? 费欧娜:(吃蛋糕)没有耶……完全没有(再咬一口蛋糕)……妳有闻到火腿的味道吗?
Fiorentina and Lazio are keeping tabs on Red Star Belgrade midfielder Dusan Basta. 拉齐奥和佛罗伦萨一直在密切注意着贝尔格莱德红星队的巴斯塔.
Fiorentina are expected to confirm the signing of Juventus fullback Federico Balzaretti today. 佛罗伦萨将在今日完成对尤文图斯队中的全能后卫费德里科.巴尔扎雷蒂的转会。
Fiorentina are eyeing Marchionni as a replacement for crocked midfielder Mariano Santana, but the player's agent, Bruno Carpeggiani, said: Juventus doesn't want to sell Marchionni. 佛罗伦萨看中了马尔基奥尼来替代没用的中场马里奥·桑塔纳,但球员的经纪人布鲁诺.卡佩贾尼说:“尤文图斯不想卖马尔基奥尼。
Fiorentina are open to the deal and are keen for Marco Marchionni to move to Florence in exchange. 佛罗伦萨正展开交易并希望能够通过交换将马尔基奥尼带到紫百合.
Fiorentina boss Cesare Prandelli prepares to take on Treviso and believes they could snatch fourth place back off Roma this weekend. 佛罗伦萨主教练普兰德利在率队启程去特瑞维索前表示他相信本周他的球队就能从罗马手中将第四名的位置夺回.

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