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Actually, Yates doesn't delve into dark places; Potter's world is one of grey foreboding.

Actually, I try to catch up on as much as sports as possible. 实际上,我设法尽量的去看更多的体育比赛。
Actually, I was just on my way to try out that new bowling alley on Park Street. Want to join me? 其实我正要去公园街,去试试那家新开幕的保龄球馆,你要不要跟我一起去?
Actually, I work more than 14H per day so I just check my mail when I can. 事实上,我每天工作14小时以上,所以当我有空时我才能查看我的邮件.
Actually, I'm getting a little tired of your egotistical tirades. Just show me what you have before I show you what real power is! 事实上,我对你的长篇大论感到厌烦。让我看看你都卖什么吧,在我让你见识真正的力量之前!
Actually, Luo this card Wo this is holy Lu Ka Si of California peninsula south end , sage is what to squeeze in the total name of angle. 其实,洛斯卡沃斯是加利福尼亚半岛南端的圣卢卡斯、圣何塞角的总称。
Actually, Yates doesn't delve into dark places; Potter's world is one of grey foreboding. 事实上,叶特斯并没有钻研黑暗的领域;波特的世界笼罩在灰色的预感之中。
Actually, a lot of feminist quotes have been taken out of context, and there are many different branches of feminism which espouse different ideals. 事实上,女权主义者的言论屡遭断章取义;而且,女权主义也有诸多流派,信奉不同的理念。
Actually, accessing the net has its profit and the shortcoming place. 其实,上网有它的益处与弊处。
Actually, all in all, he looked just like a goat! 实际上,他的样子越来越像一只山羊!
Actually, all kids are born salespeople. 事实上,所有的孩子都是天生的销售家。
Actually, another door is opened for us, and what we should do id to take a turn at the corner of our hearts, and we will find another colorful world. 实际上,另外一扇门正为我们开着,我们要做的就是思想转个弯,就会发现另一个精彩的世界。

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