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Ask a question:how to distinguish this Dao stalk is whether good or bad?What is good Dao stalk?What is bad Dao stalk?

Ask a LiXiao webmaster to notice a following problem in the meantime:Person in the place is big, the local government isn't department concerned in State Department and wait related department such as the Ministry of Transportation &Communications is the 同时,请李枭版主注意以下问题:地方人大、地方政府不是国务院有关部门,如交通部等相关部委是国务院的有关部门。
Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying. 问一个单身汉即使当他发现约会变得少并且越来越不满意,为什么还抵制婚姻。
Ask a daily wage laborer who has ten kids to feed. 想知道「一天」的价值,就去问有十个孩子待哺的领日薪工人。
Ask a gate attendant for complete details or stop by the Membership Building and join today! 有意者可以向门口的接待员询问具体细节。当然我们更希望您能现在就前往港内的会所加入我们!
Ask a gate attendant to validate your ticket and come back tomorrow to finish your exploration. 请让门口的向导为您验证您的门票,你便可以明天再次光临本馆,以完成您的探索。
Ask a question:how to distinguish this Dao stalk is whether good or bad?What is good Dao stalk?What is bad Dao stalk? 请问这个刀茎的好坏,要怎么去区分呢?何谓好的刀茎?何谓坏的刀茎?
Ask a skilled bench jeweler whether a popular jewelry design can be made with a colored stone, and the odds are you'll receive an affirmative answer. 若要问一个熟练的珠宝匠一件流行首饰是否能用彩色宝石制作,你得到的回答多半是肯定的。
Ask about client's previous experiences with surgery and anesthesia. 询问病人以前的手术和麻醉经历。
Ask about the sanitation standards of nail salons. How do they clean their equipment and how often? How often do they change the filters in the foot massages? 询问指甲沙龙的卫生标准情况。他们如何清洗设备及多久清洗一次?他们多久更换一次足部按摩中的过滤器?
Ask about the size and the toppings for the pizza. 问一下比萨饼的尺寸和添加的辅料。
Ask about their hometown, but don't ask why they came to China. 问问他们的家乡是哪里,但不要问他们为什么到中国来。

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