Not actually foreign born like Alexandra and Marie Antoinette, the madamissimo was nevertheless somewhat of an alien among her own people.
她在美国受的教育,完全是美国中上层妇女的派头。 |
Not adhering to promises, obligations, or allegiances; disloyal.
不忠实的;不守信的不坚持诺言、义务或忠诚的;不忠诚的 |
Not ailing, infirm, or diseased; healthy.
健康的没病的、非体弱的或没得病的;健康的 |
Not aligned with, supporting, or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest.
中立的不与…结盟的、不支持的或不援助战争、争吵或竞争中的任一方的 |
Not all 3,500 participants were able to achieve the sought-after state of concentration believed best for calligraphy as they competed for the best brushwork.
参加此次活动的3500名书法作者互相比拼,看谁的水平最高,但是并不是所有人都能达到写书法所要求的专心境界。 |
Not all Americans are monolingual, of course.
当然并不是所有的美国人都只会一种语言。 |
Not all Americans worship sports, but athletics are an important part of their culture.
并非所有的美国人都崇拜运动,但运动的确是他们文化当中极为重要的一部份。 |
Not all Confucian ideas are favoured today,especially among the young.
今天并非孔夫子的所有思想都得到认同,特别是在年轻人当中。 |
Not all Incoterms are appropriate for all modes of transport.
不是所有的国际贸易属于都适合所有的运输方式。 |
Not all Japanese, however, were likely to be equally gleeful about the birth of a boy, which is expected to scuttle prospects for a reform that would have allowed Aiko to become Japan's first reigning empress since the 18th century.
但是,并非所有的日本人对这个男婴的出生感到高兴,因为如果法律修改成功,爱子公主便能成为18世纪以来日本历史上的首位女天皇,但这名男婴的出生则让这个愿望破灭了。 |
Not all adaptive immune systems use the immunoglobulin fold as the basis for specific recognition molecules: sea lampreys, for example, have evolved an adaptive immune system that is based on leucine-rich repeat proteins.
并不是所有的获得性免疫系统都是利用免疫球蛋白来特异的识别外来分子,例如七鳃鳗,它利用的是一种富亮氨酸的蛋白。 |