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Under Shanghai Foreign Relations &Trade Investment Group Cooperation, Shanghai Foreign Economic &Trade Consulting Company is a qualified entity in offering specialized services of business agency and consultation.

Under SCULLY's voiceover, camera pans over the nighttime desert. (在史高丽的话外音下,镜头移到夜晚的沙漠。
Under Secretary Burns said the Gulf States have expressed concern to U.S. officials about the increased threat of terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and what he called a strengthening, more aggressive Iranthat supports terrorist g 副国务卿B说海湾国家已经向美国官员在以下几个方面表示关注,增加的恐怖威胁,越来越多的大规模杀伤性武器和他所谓的一个强硬激进的伊朗,伊朗支持恐怖组织,寻求核武器并意图扩大地区影响力。
Under Secretary Burns said the Gulf States have expressed concern to U.S. officials about the increased threat of terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and what he called “a strengthening, more __9__ Iran” that supports terrorist gro 副国务卿B称海湾国家已向美国官员表达了他们的忧虑,如恐怖主义的威胁日益增长,大规模杀伤性武器的激增,还有他称作“实力膨胀,野心勃勃的伊朗”,它支持恐怖主义团体,寻求拥有核武器,试图扩大在该地区影响力。
Under Secretary Burns said the Gulf States have expressed concern to U.S. officials about the increased threat of terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and what he called “a strengthening, more aggressive Iran” that supports terroris 副国务卿B称海湾国家已向美国官员表达了他们的忧虑,如恐怖主义的威胁日益增长,大规模杀伤性武器的激增,还有他称作“实力膨胀,野心勃勃的伊朗”,它支持恐怖主义团体,寻求拥有核武器,试图扩大在该地区影响力。
Under Secretary of State Nicholas Bur says he will travel to London Monday for talks with representatives of the other permanent members of the Security Council. 伯恩斯说,由于伊朗“实际上对国际社会嗤之以鼻”,所以有必要制订一项新决议。
Under Shanghai Foreign Relations &Trade Investment Group Cooperation, Shanghai Foreign Economic &Trade Consulting Company is a qualified entity in offering specialized services of business agency and consultation. 上海外经贸商务有限公司是上海外经贸系统上海外经贸投资集团公司的下属企业,是具有资质的专业商务代理、商务咨询、商务服务机构。
Under Songtsen Gampo, central Tibet entered a new era. 松赞干布统治下,中部西藏进入一个新时期。
Under Vladimir Putin, the Soviet version of history has become part of Russia's own story. 在弗拉基米尔·普京治下如何对待苏联历史观已经成为了俄罗斯人自己值得考虑的事。
Under William, the feudal system in England was completely established. 在威廉统治之下,英格兰的封建制度得到完全确立。
Under a Newton apple tree enjoys the cool air the time inspiration, finally caused to discover the gravitation, but this law has afterwards become astronautics science foundation. 牛顿一次苹果树下乘凉时的启发,最终导致发现了万有引力,而这个定律后来成了航天科学的基础。
Under a calm appearance hides an eternally fervent heart. 冷静的外表下,一颗永久炽热的心。

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