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Study of the relativity of the concentration of phenobarbital in plasma and saliva;

In this paper,the problems on the fixed points and hyper order of solutions and their derivatives of second order linear differential equations with entire coefficients are discussed. 研究了一类整系数二阶线性微分方程解的幂和导函数的不动点和超级等问题,得到了一些精确的估计。
The results indicate that the average content of REE in Hong Kong soils is relatively lower than in the soils of the Mainland and in. 研究结果表明:香港土壤的稀土元素的总量低于全国的平均含量,在剖面分布上由表层往底层逐渐增加。
The result showed that stress source,coping style and social support were the main factors that influencing on condition pre-competition of junior athletes. 研究表明:应激源、应对方式和社会支持是影响青少年运动员赛前状态的重要因素;应对方式是青少年运动员心理应激反应的中介因素;社会支持有助于降低状态焦虑,提高状态自信心。
Experimental study on washing cherry tomatoes with submerged jets mechanism; 淹没水射流方式清洗樱桃番茄的试验研究
The effects of cementum matrix and femora matrix on the phenotypic development of bone marrow stromal cells in vitro; 牙骨质基质和骨基质对骨髓基质细胞体外钙化的影响
Study of the relativity of the concentration of phenobarbital in plasma and saliva; 血液与唾液中苯巴比妥浓度之间相关性的研究
Risk Factors of Infection in Haemodialysis Patients; 血液透析患者感染因素分析
A Study on Depression and its Related Factors in Hemodialysis Patients; 血液透析患者的抑郁发生及其相关因素研究
Nursing progress on double lumen venous indwelling catheter applied for patients undergoing blood dialysis; 血液透析病人双腔静脉置管的护理进展
A generalized mass transfer model describing hemodialysis, hemoflltration andhemodiafiltration is proposed and solved in this paper. 血液透析(HD)、血液过滤(HF)和血液透析过滤(HDF)是目前临床上治疗慢性肾功能衰竭最常用的 3种疗法。
Study on the risk factors and preventive strategies of occupational injuries in hemopurification center; 血液净化中心职业性损伤原因与防护对策

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