Acceptance Tests (also known as Functional Tests) are specified by the customer to test that the overall system is functioning as specified.
验收测试(也被称为功能测试)是由客户指定来测试整个系统是否完成既定功能。 |
Acceptance being the final one.
接受成为最后一个。 |
Acceptance cues are used to convey understanding, not agreement.
相信的暗示表达了理解而不是同意。 |
Acceptance of draft: in the case of a usance draft, for example, at 120 days' sight, it must be presented to the drawee for acceptance.
承兑汇票倘若使用远期汇票,比如120天远期,它必须向受票人提示并由其承兑。 |
Acceptance of evolution as a factual occurrence and a guiding principle is nonetheless universal in biology.
尽管如此,生物学家都把演化当作事实和研究的指导原则,无一例外。 |
Acceptance of the System (Acceptance) for purposes of Annex C shall be deemed to have occurred when all tests set forth in the Acceptance Test Procedure for the system at Buyer's facility have been Successfully completed.
为附件三之目的,在系统的验收测试程序中规定的一切测试已在买方设施地点成功完成时,系统的验收(简称“验收”)应被视为已经进行。 |
Acceptance of the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable.
对宿命论的信仰接受所有事情是预先注定、不可避免的这一信仰的接受 |
Acceptance tests typically test the entire system, or some large chunk of it.
验收测试通常测试整个系统,或系统中一些大的模块。 |
Accepting foreign partners to invest a coorsponding maximum percentage share of the present capitalization of the corporation allowed by law, but not to exceed 60% thereof.
接受外国合作伙伴在法律允许的范围内占有公司资本的最大份额,但不应超过总资本的60%。 |
Accepting or submitting without objection or resistance; compliant.
顺从的无反对或反抗的接受或忍受的;驯服的 |
Accepting that commission's report at a White House Cabinet meeting, the president said there is much that could have been done differently.
布什总统在白宫接受该委员会的一份报告时说,的确有许多需要改变的地方。 |