Country music is well thought of by many young students.
许多青年学生对乡村音乐很赞赏。 |
Country music sensation Keith Urban has voluntarily checked himself into rehab , according to media reports.
据报道,乡村歌手凯斯·厄本主动把自己请进了戒疗所。 |
Country music's roots are in the songs of the American South, brought over by early immigrants from England.
乡村音乐的根源是早期英格兰移民带来的南美歌曲。 |
Country of , Yishui, Shan Dong province, where honest Yimeng people fought in the battle field in revolutionary time and where tough Yimeng people build with hard work in reform and open-up time.
红嫂故里——山东沂水,革命战争年代,淳朴的沂蒙人血洒疆土;改革开放时期,坚韧的沂蒙人用辛勤的汗水构筑小康。 |
Country people run wild when they go shopping in the city and stagger home loaded with as many of the exotic items as they can carry.
乡里人进城采购欣喜若狂,每次回家时都买足了外来商品,直到拿不动方才罢休,连走路都摇摇晃晃的。 |
Country singer Paol Overstreet has a better understanding when he sings, We made ourselves a promise and were never giving up. Even when it don't feel like love.
乡村歌手保罗.欧厄斯曲特对此有更好的理解,当他唱到,“我们做出我们的承诺,而且永不放弃。甚至当感觉好像不是那么爱的时候,也不放弃。” |
Country vocational education should set correct guiding ideology, establish a diversified investment system and varied schools, combine vocational education and technical training together, stress practicality teaching and professional skill, establish tr
农村职业教育要树立正确的指导思想,建立多元化投资体系和灵活多样的办学形式,职业教育与技能培训相结合,突出实践性教学,体现职业性和技能性,建立培训机制,完善就业准入制度,整合农村职教资源,城乡与校企联合办学,做好高中与中职、中职与高职、招生与就业三个衔接等。 |
Country we stand on should not be a familial emotion. It is something we do together with responsibilities.
我们干吗非得在茶余饭后揭自己的短呢?护犊子自然不对,但对自己的孩子不当孩子看好象也说不过去吧。 |
Countrywide, it generally takes more than a month to obtain a credit card in China as the banking system remains highly inefficient.
就全国范围来看,由于银行系统非常低效,通常要一个多月才能获得一张信用卡。 |
Countrywide, the biggest US mortgage lender, will cut up to 20% of its staff, as business slumps.
全国性又最大的美国房屋贷款公司,将削减达20%的它的职员,当做商务暴跌。 |
Counts were also made of deserters, servicemen sentenced to correctional labor institutions, servicemen sentenced to death, servicemen removed from the count of permanent losses (i.e. turned out to be alive), servicemen suspected of collaborating with the
统计中还包括这些类别,逃兵,被判决入劳改营的服役者(鸟注:我怀疑根本不是入劳改营,而是入惩戒营),被判死型的服役者,从永久性损失中剔除的服役者(也就是改列为生还者),被怀疑通敌的服役者,和被俘后生还的服役者。 |