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He was so miserable that he seriously thought about ending it all.

He was so informed and so intelligent about the markets. 他非常见多识广,且洞悉市场。
He was so intent on saving money that he would steal little items from the store. 为了把钱省下存入银行,他甚至会从店里偷点小东西出来。
He was so kind and so wise that people came from miles around to learn from him, and to become Buddhists. 他既善良又富有智慧,于是八方的人们都来向他学习,并且皈依了佛教。
He was so learned that he could name a horse in nine languages; so ignorant that he bought a cow to ride on. 他很有学问,能够用九种语言来给一匹马起名字,可又愚蠢到买了一头母牛来骑。
He was so low, he was in such a seventh hell, and from there he started rising and became a great mahatma, a great saint. 他如此低级,他在这样一个第七层地狱里,从那里他开始上升并成为一个伟大的甘地,伟大的圣人。
He was so miserable that he seriously thought about ending it all. 他难受得甚至认真考虑过要自杀.
He was so much struck with the size and furniture of the apartment, that he declared he might almost have supposed himself in the small summer breakfast parlour at Rosings. 他十分惊羡屋子的面积和陈设,说他好象走进了罗辛斯那间消夏的小餐厅。
He was so narrow-minded he could see through a keyhole with two eyes. 他眼光狭窄,竟然能够用两只眼睛透过一个钥匙孔来看。
He was so shameless that he said she loved him. 他竟这样恬不知耻地说她爱他。
He was so skilful at helping me slowly understand and accept the fact that TM would never come home with me anymore. 他是如此地善巧地帮助我,慢慢地接受事实:TM将永远无法回家和我相聚了。
He was so smitten by(with) the view that he stopped and took out his camera. 他被那景色迷住了,于是停下来拿出照相机。

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