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I do not understand,he said.

I do have an idea, but I won't say it. In the end we shall decide together. I'm fine and I still enjoy playing. We shall talk with the president. 我已经有了主意,但现在还不能讲.到最后我们会一起公布这个决定.我现在非常好,仍然在享受着比赛的乐趣.我们将会和主席好好的谈谈.
I do not believe that he will ever live at Netherfield any more. “我看他无论如何不会再住到尼日斐花园来。”
I do not give present particularly on parent's day though; I always buy bracelets for mother whenever I go to the foreign country. She pleased with them so much. “虽然在父母节这种日子里,并没有特别准备送什么礼物,但是无论我出国到任何一个国家,我都会买些手镯送给我的妈妈,她很喜欢.”
I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the Law, then Christ died needlessly. 加2:21我不废掉神的恩.义若是藉著律法得的、基督就是徒然死了。
I do not reprove you for your sacrifices, And your burnt offerings are continually before Me. 诗50:8我并不因你的祭物责备你.你的燔祭常在我面前。
I do not understand,he said. 男孩说:“我不懂。”
I do not want your job, I want to be a vet and help animals. “将来我并不想像您一样做首相,我想当个兽医,帮助动物。”
I do not want your job, I want to be vet and help animals. “我不会去做你的位子,我想当兽医去帮助动物。”
I do soft toss and try to get my mechanics right,Abreu said. I swing with one hand, two hands; just try to get my rhythm there. 阿布瑞尤说:我慢速挥击且尝试来矫正我的打击机制。我用一只手来打击,两只手来打击。尝试来找回我的节奏。
I do that too,laughed the old man. “我也是”老人笑着说。
I do want to devote myself to the country,Liu explained after telling Zhang his name. But how can I help if I'm empty handed? 刘备说出自己姓名后说:我想为国出力,又感到力量不够,故而长叹!

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